8 Best Health Insurance Providers in the Philippines 2024

Best Health Insurance Providers in the Philippines

Curious to see which insurance companies made the list for 2024? Keep reading to discover how you can protect your loved ones with the best health insurance available on the market.

Choosing the right health insurance isn’t just about finding coverage; it’s about securing your family’s future and peace of mind. Many Filipinos are turning to reputable companies that not only offer comprehensive plans but also boast solid track records of reliability and customer satisfaction.

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These providers are recognized by industry experts and trusted by thousands, ensuring that your investment in health is both safe and smart.

You can also check out our post for the best life insurance companies in the Philippines.

Why Health Insurance Matters

Why does it matter so much here in the Philippines? Well, consider our unique landscape—both geographical and socio-economic. Many of us are supporting not just our immediate family but sometimes extended relatives too. Plus, with the rising cost of healthcare services and the varying quality of public health facilities, relying solely on out-of-pocket payments isn’t just outdated; it’s risky.

Securing health insurance is a cornerstone of your family’s future stability and peace of mind. Imagine this: one unexpected medical emergency without insurance, and you could be facing not just physical and emotional stress but a financial burden that might take years to overcome!

For us, hustling through our careers and family life, health insurance offers more than just medical coverage—it’s a safety net that ensures you and your loved ones can receive the best care without the added worry of draining your savings or borrowing money.

Understanding Health Insurance Coverage

The world of health insurance can sometimes feel like trying to understand a foreign language. But here’s the scoop on what you really need to know about health insurance coverage — broken down in a way that won’t make your head spin!

Types of Health Insurance Coverage

Health insurance isn’t one-size-fits-all. Whether it’s an HMO or PPO, each type has its own perks.

  1. HMO (Health Maintenance Organization): an HMO has a network of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers who provide their services for a specific payment. HMOs might limit you to a network of doctors but keep your out-of-pocket costs low.
  2. PPO (Preferred Provider Organization): a PPO has a network of healthcare providers to use for your medical care at a certain rate. Unlike HMO, a PPO offers you the flexibility to receive care from any healthcare provider—in or out of your network. PPOs offer more flexibility in choosing your healthcare providers but often at a higher cost.

Understanding these differences can help you pick a plan that fits your lifestyle—whether you’re a homebody or someone who loves to explore different places and faces.

Inclusions and Exclusions

Inclusions and Exclusions are crucial because knowing what’s covered and what’s not can save you a ton of stress and pesos down the line.

Most plans cover the basics like doctor visits, emergency services, and prescriptions, but what about maternity care or mental health services? Make sure the plan you choose aligns with your health priorities. For instance, if you’re planning to start a family soon, you’ll want a plan that’s robust in prenatal and postnatal care.

Deductibles and Co-pays

A deductible is what you pay before your insurance starts to pay, and a co-pay is a fixed amount you pay for services like a doctor’s visit.

Balancing these can be tricky. A lower monthly premium might mean a higher deductible, which is fine if you’re generally healthy and rarely visit doctors. But if you or your family members frequently need medical care, a higher premium with a lower deductible might be more cost-effective in the long run.

Understanding these essentials isn’t just about making smart choices; it’s about gaining control over your health and finances. By understanding what your health insurance includes, you can dodge any sudden shocks and ensure that you’re prepared for any surprises without stressing out or spending too much money. Read our guide to personal finance for a detailed explanation.

Best Health Insurance Providers in the Philippines 2024

Choosing the best health insurance company for your family is like finding the perfect coffee shop where everyone knows your name, and your coffee is ready just the way you like it. It’s all about personal fit, reliability, and the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re taken care of.

1. PhilHealth

Philhealth website

Starting with the familiar, PhilHealth remains a staple in the Filipino family’s health coverage. It’s like the reliable tricycle that knows every shortcut in your barangay. While it covers the basic health needs, it’s often used alongside other private insurance for more comprehensive coverage.

2. Maxicare

Maxicare website

Maxicare is the high-tech gym in your neighborhood—it’s got all the modern amenities you could ask for. Known for its wide network of accredited hospitals and clinics, Maxicare is the premier HMO provider in the Philippines that offers a variety of plans that cater to different needs, whether it’s for the solo flyer or the whole family squadron.

3. Medicard Philippines

medicard website

Medicard Philippines is like that trendy new gadget everyone’s talking about. It offers flexibility with its range of service offerings, from individual plans, family packages, SMEs, Corporations, and even options for dental and optical care. Plus, their customer service is quite responsive, which is like having a help button right when you need it.

4. Intellicare

intellicare website

As the up-and-coming favorite, Intellicare blends traditional coverage with innovative health services. It’s like the hybrid car of health insurance—economical yet packed with features. Their plans are especially popular among young professionals who seek both preventive care and active health management.

5. PhilCare

philcare website

PhilCare is similar to that reliable online store where you shop for your must-have gadgets. It’s known for its digital innovations like the use of health cards and mobile apps for easy access to medical services and health information, making your healthcare experience smooth and hassle-free.

6. ValuCare

valucare website

Consider ValuCare as your local budget-friendly supermarket. It offers affordable plans that provide substantial coverage, making it a good choice for those looking to get the most value out of their hard-earned money.

7. EastWest Healthcare

eastwest healthcare

EastWest Healthcare feels like your go-to bank where you know your savings are secure. They offer a balance of cost and coverage, ensuring that you get reliable service without overspending.

8. CareHealth Plus

carehealth plus website

Lastly, CareHealth Plus is like the community center that’s always there to support you. They focus on being accessible to a broader audience, offering practical and straightforward health insurance solutions.

How to Choose the Right Insurance Plan

Choosing the right health insurance plan is a bit like shopping for the perfect pair of jeans. You want something that fits just right, looks good, and feels comfortable without breaking the bank. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you pick a health insurance plan that feels like it’s tailor-made for you and your family.

1. Assess Your Family’s Health Needs

Start by taking a good look at what you and your family really need. Are there any ongoing medical conditions? Maybe you’re planning to add a little one to the family soon? Or perhaps your parents are aging and might need more medical attention? Listing down these needs will help you determine what kind of coverage is most crucial for you.

2. Set Your Budget

Next up, figure out how much you’re willing to spend. Just like setting a monthly budget for groceries or outings, decide how much of your budget you can allocate to health insurance. Remember, the cheapest option isn’t always the best, but it doesn’t mean you have to go for the most expensive one either. Find a balance between what you can afford and the level of coverage you need.

3. Compare Plans and Providers

This is where you shop around. Don’t just settle for the first plan you come across. Compare different health insurance plans and providers. Look at their benefits, exclusions, premiums, copayments, and deductibles. It’s like comparing different smartphone models before picking one that has all the features you need at the right price.

4. Understand the Network of Providers

Check the network of affiliated hospitals and doctors. It’s important to ensure that your preferred doctors and hospitals are included to avoid paying additional charges. Think of it as choosing a mobile plan that offers the best signal coverage in your area.

5. Read the Fine Print

Always read the fine print. Yes, it can be tedious, like reading through the terms and conditions when installing new software, but it’s crucial. Understanding the terms of coverage, what’s included, and what’s not, can save you from unexpected expenses and headaches later on.

6. Consider Add-ons

Finally, consider any additional benefits or riders that can be attached to your plan. These might include dental, optical, or maternity coverage. It’s like customizing your car with accessories that not only increase its functionality but also enhance your comfort and satisfaction.


What is the average cost of health insurance in the Philippines?

The cost of health insurance in the Philippines can vary widely depending on the provider, the coverage plan, and the number of people covered. On average, individual plans can range from PHP 15,000 to PHP 60,000 per year, while family plans can go up to PHP 100,000 or more annually.

Can I get health insurance if I have a pre-existing condition?

Yes, you can get health insurance even if you have a pre-existing condition. However, some providers might have a waiting period before the coverage for your pre-existing condition kicks in, or they might require a higher premium.

How do I file a claim with my health insurance provider?

To file a claim, you typically need to submit a completed claim form along with any required documents, such as hospital bills and medical reports, to your insurance provider. It’s best to check with your provider for specific instructions as processes can vary.

Are mental health services covered by health insurance in the Philippines?

Yes, more health insurance providers in the Philippines are now offering coverage for mental health services. This coverage can include consultations, therapy sessions, and sometimes medication. However, the extent of coverage can vary, so it’s important to check the specifics with your insurance provider.

What should I do if my health insurance claim is denied?

If your claim is denied, you should first review the reasons for the denial provided by your insurance company. You can file an appeal if you believe the claim was wrongly denied. Gather all supporting documents and submit an appeal letter to your insurer. If unresolved, you can seek assistance from the Insurance Commission in the Philippines.


Choosing the best health insurance isn’t just a practical move; it’s a profound act of care. It shows that you’re looking ahead, planning responsibly, and ensuring that your family’s health and happiness are secured, come what may.

So take a moment to consider your family’s specific needs, your financial capabilities, and the quality of care you aspire to have. Don’t rush your decision. Talk it over with your partner or family members, and consider speaking with a financial advisor or an insurance expert. They can help clarify any confusing details and guide you toward the best choice for your unique situation.

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